The County Assembly of Nyamira and the executive are once again embroiled in battle over the sacking of over 340 ECDE teachers, whose two-year contract expires at the end of June 2019.
From reliable sources, the executive is planning to send the teachers packing once their contract expires due to, what the source said, rising wage bill.
This has rattled the County Assembly Members, who have vowed to ensure that the teachers are not sacked and that they are hired on permanent basis.
Kiabonyoru Ward representative Duke Omoti told journalists yesterday at the County Assembly grounds that the assembly had agreed with Governor John Nyagarama to retain the services of the teachers, who are serving on contract terms and that they are considered to the permanent term.
“As the house, we have all agreed that the teachers are going nowhere, we sat with our governor and we hope that their contracts will be renewed unconditionally and they be hired on permanent terms. Their salaries will also be paid in full to avoid frustrating them,” he said.
He also noted that their salaries had not been paid for close to three months despite it being factored in the budget. He vowed to push for their full payment before the end of this financial year.
“As the assembly, we are going to ensure that the teachers’ salaries are paid in full before the end of this financial year and that they remain to teach our children,” Omoti added.
This complicates the whole issue as the executive is on a sacking of ‘illegally’ employed workers in bid to control the rising wage bill.
Over 1000 employees have already been axed in the ongoing payroll purge to weed out ghost workers.
The ward representatives are holding special sittings to discuss the conduct of the Education Executive Committee Member Gladys Momanyi.
A notice of motion was tabled in the assembly by a nominee MCA Irene Sese yesterday seeking to impeach the ECM over abuse of office who is being accused of issuing bouncing bank cheques to schools from the County Schools Development kitty.