ITF/CAT Eastern African Junior Individuals and Team Championships commence tomorrow

The individual events will ran from 15-18 January followed by the team competitions from 19-23 January at the Nairobi club.
Team Kenya after the conclusion of a two-day training camp for coaches and players

Over 90 players from 10 zone IV countries will converge in Nairobi for the ITF/CAT Eastern African Junior Individuals and Team Championships 2025 which commences on Wednesday 15 January.

The individual events will ran from 15-18 January followed by the team competitions from 19-23 January at the Nairobi club.

The event, aimed at fostering youth tennis development, will feature competitions for the 14 and 16 age groups.

The opening ceremony for the event was held on Tuesday afternoon after the conclusion of a two-day training camp for coaches and players conducted by Dermlt Sweeney the Technical Director, Training Centres and Player Development and Thiery Ntwali the ITF Development Officer for East and Central Africa.

The following players will represent Team Kenya at the competition:


Boys aged 14

1. Ayaan Quadros

2. Vihaan Bulsara

3. Jyan Patel

4. Indiatsi Olembo

5. Khalil Nathani

6. Evans Mundia

Captain – George Oyoo


Girls aged 14

1. Felicia Ouko

2. Liya Gikunda

3. Bathsheba Ogamba

4. Paula Ouko

5. Ashley Lila

6. Jenerica Rogoi

Captain: Caroline Oduor.


Boys aged 16

1. Zayyan Virani

2. 2. Jeff Okuku

3. Ayush Bhandari

4. Reyan Bulsara

5. Aum Chandarana

6. Mark Murage

Caption: Rosemary Owino


Girls aged16

1. Seline Ahoya

2. Nancy Kawira

3. Inaaya Virani

4. Amani Gikunda

5. Michelle Murage

6. Ishara Deschilder

Captain: Francis Rogoi

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